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Welcome To Hey Baby Shop Blog

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Another happy customer!

It was really busy in the shop yesterday. I guess because we were closed Good Friday and Easter Monday, we had a bit of a back log of internet orders to process. There were also lots of people who were 'back to normal' , out and about after the Easter break, getting jobs done.

One such person was little 4 week old Amelia, seen here road testing the Kari Me baby carrier in the shop. I really enjoyed helping her try it out (hence the big grin!) It was so lovely to have a tiny baby in a carrier again and she obviously enjoyed it because she snuggled down and fell asleep! If I had not been so busy I would have been tempted to send her mum for a coffee while I enjoyed the moment a bit longer!

Amelia's mummy (sorry I did not ask your name, I was too busy enjoying Amelia!) bought the Kari Me for her, so there goes another happy customer!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that's a cute kid! Anyways, it's great when you get to interact with your customers, right? It really helps build customer loyalty, and they leave as happy and satisfied customers!

    -Philip Jackson
