Did you know it is Fair Trade Fortnight?? We thought we should do what we can to spread the word. Becoming a parent makes most people reflect on their own life (when they have time!) and that of their kids.
I cringe when I hear people commenting how little they have managed to buy something for. Don't get me wrong, I am all for a bargain, and I know times are tough for most people, but the majority of us in this country do not know real poverty. When was the last time you saw somebody starving to death or dying from an easily preventable illness?
So when I buy something, I can't stop myself thinking 'is that a FAIR price?'
This Fair Trade Fortnight we want to encourage people to think about what they are buying. It does not mean that everything you buy has to be Fair Trade certified, (lots of companies are good, fair employers) but do ask the questions and make sure your hard earned money is going to a good place!
The Fair Trade Foundation works to help provide fair wages and safe working conditions for people in developing countries. Take a look at their website to find out more.
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